The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt free next-gen update coming next month

The first Witcher game, The Witcher Remake will be built using Unreal Engine 5 and it has been confirmed that The Witcher Remake is giving players a much larger and more expansive world to explore.
Developer CD Projekt Red has announced the news as part of its Q3 2022 earnings report, where it clearly states the remake is a "story-driven, single player open-world RPG - a modern reimagining of 2007's The Witcher".

While there are no hints about what the remake's open world might look like, it does changes a lot from the original game. Seems like The Witcher Remake is not coming anytime soon.

However, the free next-gen update for The Witcher 3 on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC will come in this December 14th. Featuring new features such as ray-tracing, and ambient occlusion on both consoles and PC.