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Nikke: Goddess of Victory official statement regarding the SSR Guaranteed Paid Banner

Writer: Daniel Daniel

What if the 50 New Commander Special Mold turns out to give another SR unit?

From a post by redditor u/mayhaveadd, a Korean Streamer pulled on the guaranteed SSR Paid Banner. Instead of getting the "Equal Chance SSR Nikke", the streamer had gotten the SSR Pilgrim Scarlet, the only one SSR in the 10 pulls.

Guaranteed SSR banner pull

The paid banner will guarantee users one SSR Nikke excluding the Pilgrim Nikke, and limited Nikke such as Helm, and Laplace. For your information, Pilgrim is the rarest unit with a lower drop rate (0.0833%), Pilgrim Nikke is from one of the different manufacturers like Snow White, Scarlet, Noah, Isabel, Harran, and Rapunzel.

This shows that the description of the paid banner is inaccurate since the streamer's SSR is not part of the guaranteed slot. It looks that the Korean player base is preparing a lawsuit to SHIFT UP for fraud as a result of this incident. The discussion about it is available in this Naver Game post.

SHIFT UP has made a response on Twitter regarding the issue of recruitment for new Commanders.

For compensation, SHIFT UP will be giving out 50 New Commmander Special Mold that guarantees one SSR Nikke EXCLUDING Pilgrim Nikkes, Helm, Laplace and subsequent new characters after the u update on December 8th.

Helm & Laplace

(Helm source: pixiv 103114526)


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