GIGABYTE has just announced their latest entry into the gaming peripheral market, the AORUS H1 gaming headset. Featuring 50mm drivers and 7.1 virtual surround sound, it allows gamers to better detect positional audio, which is especially important in FPS games. It also has an ENC (Environmental Noise Cancelling) microphone to help block out surrounding noises so your teammates won't get triggered on voice communications.
If you're the type to play around with your settings, the AORUS H1 audio software allows a wide array of customisation, including equalizer settings, environment modes, voice effects, and more.
The lightweight and flexible build also makes for a comfortable experience, along with breathable ear cups to keep your head cool. The AORUS H1 connects to your PC via USB-A and has in-line controls for volume, RGB lighting effects, mute, and ENC .
For more details on the AORUS H1 gaming headset, you may visit the official product page here.